It started with a vision. And the unshakeable conviction we could do better.
Jemini got its start inside of business solutions company Fusion5. The Human Capital Management (HCM) team there had collectively spent over 40 years delivering HR & payroll solutions and services to hundreds of customers across Australia and New Zealand. Working closely with such a wide range of businesses, they heard about, and saw first-hand the short-comings of the systems that were in the market, and felt the pain of their customers as they struggled to get out-dated software to perform the tasks required by a modern business and a future-focused work-force. They had a very clear picture of what a modern, forward-thinking organisation needed, wanted to change, and why.
A project team was formed, with a vision to design and build an HR & Payroll solution that was integrated, innovative and inspiring. One that leveraged modern technology to work in the same way your people work (and play), and solved the key problems facing more forward-looking organisations.
They succeeded. Meet Jemini.